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The Editors:
Alexander A. Potapov, M.D.,
Leonid B. Likhterman, M.D.,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. K.R.N. von
Natalya Pestovskaya
Acknowledgements: We are indebted to Univ.-Prof. A. D. Mendelow FRCS Ed.Ph.D., Newcastle, and Dr. Med. Matej Lipovsek, Maribor, for help in connexion with this edition. © 2002 by the N.N.Burdenko
Neurosurgery Institute
Printed in Russia by "Antidor" Publishing House Moscow, Russia ISBN 5 - 93751 - 017
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A. Konovalov, A. Potapov (Moscow, Russia): Presidents' Address K.R.H. von Wild (Münster, Germany): Welcome Address International Space Station: Welcome Address General Questions H. E. Diemath (Salzburg, Austria): The History of EMN: its Aims, Objectives and Future Perspectives KR.H. von Wild (Münster, Germany): Euroacademy of Multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology - a Better Chance for Head and Spinal Cord Injured Patients A. Konovalov (Moscow, Russia): Neurotraumatology in Russia: History, Achievements and Problems A. Potapov, V. Soloviev (Moscow, Russia): High Technologies in Neurosurgery and Space Epidemlology and Prevention of Neurotrauma J. Dohrmann (Chicago, USA): Epidemiology of Neurotrauma J. Thirlwell (Sydney, Australia): Emergency Aerial Retrieval of Head Injuries: Should a Physisian be Included in the Crew? R. Jones (Sydney, Australia): Effective Measures to Improve Safety on Our Roads. Good Results to Date but How Can They be Improved? V. Nepomnyaschy, L. Likhterman, A. Potapov, V. Yartsev (Moscow, Russia): Epidemiology of Neurotrauma in Russia and Other Countries of the Former USSR F. Cortbus, W. Steudel (Homburg-Saar, Germany): Epidemiology of Head Injuries in Germany Pathophysiology and Principles of Neurotrauma Management Th. A. Gennarelli, Ch. Muszynski (Milwaukee, USA): How New Views of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Pathophysiology May Lead to Improved Treatment E. Neugebauer, M. Maegele (Köln, Germany): Pathophysiology and Clinical Relevance of the Combined Neurotrauma R. Firsching (Magdeburg, Germany): Pathophysiology and the Principles of Treatment in Multiple Injuries A. D. Mendelow (Newcastle, England): Methodology of Clinical Trials B. Hoffmann, R. Scherer, K.R.H. von Wild (Münster, Germany): Our Experiences with the Lund Concept in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) K Voogt (Virginia Beach, USA): Comprehensive Physical Therapy Management of Young Children with Brain Injury of the Combined Neurotrauma V. Kontopoulos, G. Foroglou, J. Patsalas, J. Magras, N. Foroglou (Thessaloniki, Greece): Decompressive Craniectomy for the Management of Patients with Refractory Post-traumatic Intracranial Hypertension: Should it be Reconsidered? M. Kariev, O. Karabaev (Tashkent, Uzbekistan): Features of a Craniocerebral Trauma under Alpine-Zone Conditions O. Grindel, N. Romanova, O. Zaitsev et al. (Moscow, Russia): EEG-Mathematical Analysis of Psychopathological Syndromes in Severely Head-lnjured Patients Spinal Trauma Th. Pentelenyi, S. Zsolszai, L. Egyud, T. Barta, A. Csokay (Budapest, Hungary): Modern Clinical Aspects in the Management of Severe Spinal Trauma A. Mautes, V. Trembovier, E Zhang, W. Steudel, E. Shohami (Saarland, Germany): Expression of Inflammatory Mediators after Experimental Spinal Cord Injury J. De Reuck (Gent, Belgium): Motor Evoked Potentials in Mild Cervical Spine Injury D. Zeilstra, F C. de Beer (Zwolle, the Netherlands): Surgical Management of Fractures of the Thoraco-Lumbar Spine by Short-Segment Posterior Fixation Alone A. Csokay, Th. Pentelenyi (Budapest, Hungary): Advantages of Acute Anterior Surgery against Posterior Th-LI Fractures with Severe Neurological Signs New Technologies L. W. Braga (Brasilia, Brazil): Application of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Studying Localisation of Cerebral Functions E. Pedatchenko, V. Beloshitskiy, N. Gridina (Kiev, Ukraine): Gene Therapy in Brain Injury: Problems and Perspectives A. Kravtchouk, A. Potapov, V. Kornienko,
S. Eropkin, A. Evseev, V. Stuchilov (Moscow, Russia): Computed Modelling
in Reconstructive Surgery for Posttraumatic Skull Vault Bone Defects
Guidelines for Neurotrauma Management E. Pedatchenko, A. Morozov, A. Huk (Kiev, Ukraine): Standards of Organisation, Algorithms and Clinical Recommendations for Urgent Care Delivery in Cases of Acute Mild and Severe Brain Injury in Ukraine Z. Czernicki (Warsaw, Poland): The Influence of Defensive Medicine on the Guidelines and Standards in Neurotrauma Treatment CNS Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation B. Jennett (Glasgow, Scotland): Vegetative State after Head Injury: Diagnosis or Prognosis? R. Voogt (Virginia Beach, USA): Melding the Human Spirit and Medical Experience for the 21. Century: Redefining the Self after Neurological Insult A-L. Christensen (Gentofte, Denmark): Establishing a Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Programme in Denmark Based on the Investigation and Theory of A.R.Luria B. Hoffmann, C. Duwecke, K.R.H. von Wild (Münster, Germany): Early Neurosurgical Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury - Report on 252 Patients over 5 Years C. Perino, D. Verne, T. Mezzanato, G. Torrini, P. Zaina, R. Barettini, S. Savazzi (Verona, Italy): Functional Outcome and Instability of Neurobehavioral Factors in TBI Subjects J. León-Carrión (Sevilla, Spain): The Effectiveness of Neurorehabilitation. Enhancing Outcome Measurement A. Campos de Paz Jr. (Brasilia, Brazil): Principles of Organisation of the SARAH Network of Hospitals for the Locomotor System T. Kanno, I. Okuma (Tokyo, Japan): A Proposal of the Active Treatment in Subacute and Chronic Stages for Cases of Traumatic and Vascular Diseases M. Barnes (Newcastle, England): Management of Spasticity |