emnlogo1998: Third EMN Congresses in Switzerland

Update in Spinal Cord Trauma
Basic research - Diagnosis - Treatment - Rehabilitation

27. - 29. August 1998
University Hospital Zürich/Switzerland

1. Basic research of spinal cord trauma

Key-note lecture: L. Olson, Sweden
Spinal cord repair in adult paraplegic rats: anatomical and functional restoration.Announcement

- Inflammation in the lesioned brain and spinal cord. V. H. Perry, United Kingdom
- Lesioned adult spinal cord fiber tracts regenerate and form funtional connections. M. E. Schwab, Switzerland
- Neurotrophic factor treatment prevents neuronal degeneration in the spinal cord of animals and humans. P. Aebischer, Switzerland

2. Upcoming techniques in spinal surgery

- Computerized navigation
- Minimal access surgery
- Intraoperative monitoring

3. Rehabilitation of spinal cord injury

Key-note lecture: L. Cohen, USA
Plasticity of function following spinal cord injury.

- Rehabilitation of the autonomous nervous system.W. Jänig, Germany
- Restauration of the bladder function. K. Jünemann, Germany
Functional electrical stimulation of upper limb muscies in tetraplegic patients. Th. Sinkjaer, Sweden
Activation of spinal locomotor centres. V. Dietz, Switzerland


Workshop No 1: Sensori-motor rehabilitation. Neuroprothesis and locomotor training
Workshop No 2: New diagnostic tools. Imaging and computerized navigation.
Workshop No. 3: Instrumentation of spinal fractures

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© 2000 EMN Update: 11.04.2001