Organisation of the EMN

The "Euroacademy for multidisciplinary Neurotraumatology e.V." - abbreviated as EMN - is registered as an association of public benefit acc to § 21 BGB (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch = German civil law code). The EMN is not a commercial enterprise. It has no self-interests. The financial capital and income of the EMN may only be used for purposes stipulated in the articles of association. The EMN has ordinary, extraordinary, corresponding and honorary members. The constitutional bodies are the Presidium, the Scientific Advisory Board and the Members' Meeting. 

The EMN Presidium                                              (May 24, 2004)
Honorary Presidents Hans Erich Diemath

Klaus von Wild

President David Mendelow
Vice presidents  Hans Tritthart

Jean-Luc Truelle

Jacques De Reuck

Past Congress president Alexander Ciurea
Next Congress president Andrew Maas
General Secretary Jan Peter Jantzen
Secretary Angelika Mautes
Historian Matej Lipovšek
Treasurer Andreas Unterberg
Second treasurer Jaana Sarajuuri
Chairman of the Scientific committee Edmund Neugebauer 

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© 2000 EMN     -     Update: May 25, 2004